1.) Every stroke counts.
2.) Must keep track of your cart partners score.
3.) No gimmie putts.
4.) Golfers must mark your ball on the putting green each time.
5.) Play the ball as it lies.
6.) Free relief from cart path. May drop ball a clubs length from the left of the cart path or right.
7.) Out of bounds/lost balls will be stroke plus distance. Explainer video below.
8.) Unplayable balls are a 1 stroke penalty with drop relief. Explainer video below.
9.) You may play a provisional ball if you are unsure if your ball went out of bounds/lost to avoid distance penalty and to save time. Provisional balls are always a 1 stroke penalty if played. You would then be on your 4th stroke if play your provisional ball. Explainer video below.
10.) Anytime you have to pick up your ball with the exception of the cart path rule its a 1 stroke penalty.
11.) If any golfers are tied for 1st 2nd or 3rd place at the end of the 36th hole. Golfers must face off on the next hole. Lowest score of that hole is crowned champion. Everyone to watch.
16 golfers $20 buy in. ($320)
$60 of the purse will be used towards consolation prizes for all golfers.
Total pool money for top 3 is $260 with first place receiving cold hard cash. 2nd 3rd receiving prizes for their close efforts.
The Rolling Hills Classic Champion will walk away with $180 and will be known as the best of the Southwest for years to come. Will be crowned the first ever champion and inducted to the hall of fame.
Runner up of the classic will be given a dozen of the finest golf balls to lose at their own pace. Valued at $50.
To remember or to not remember how close you were from the top. Valued at $30.